Miscalleneous Projects

On Air / Off Air


Tired of your partners, dogs and cats interrupting your meetings? This sign can help! A beautiful LED matrix from adafruit and a website with two buttons to let people know when you're busy.

My Favorite Podcasts


I listen to a lot of podcasts. Some I listen to every week, some I binge every couple of months but my favorite ones I want to listen to as soon as there's a new episode. This tool will check my favorite podcasts on a regular basis and send me an email notification when there's new episodes to download.

Recurse Center

A collection of the projects I've been working on at the Recurse Center

Creative Coding

A weekly meetup where we follow coding prompts to implement something fun, educational or nice-to-look-at in less than two hours.

A Cloudy Day

Following the coding prompt an abundance of grey. Implemented with p5js, there is a hidden message behind the clouds, use your cursor to get a peek.


Following the coding prompt poetry. This is the implementation of a small command line tool that will provide you with a random poem. The project can be found on GitHub.

Snowflake Cutout

Following the coding prompt winter wonderland. Implemented with p5js, this was inspired by the snoflake paper cutouts we used to do in school when the winter holidays were coming closer.

Bon Voyage

Following the coding prompt bon voyage. Implemented with p5js, I played around with different techniques to let objects vanish into the distance.

Waiting for Bezier

Following the coding prompt today i learned. Implemented with p5js, this was inspired by my learnings about Bezier Curves.

Lush Green

Following the coding prompt lush green. Implemented with p5js, I used this as an excuse to play around with flow fields.


Following the coding prompt the (flash)light at the end of the tunnel. Implemented with p5js, use your cursor as a flashlight.

Recursive Celebration

Following the coding prompts recursion & (never) graduation celebration to celebrate the end of our batch. Implemented with p5js.


Other projects (creative or not), that I have been playing with.



An ongoing walkthrough of the nand2tetris course where I'm learning to build a computer from first principles. My implementations of the weekly tasks can be found on GitHub.

Homography Matrix

Implemented with p5js. I used this to visualize my learnings about homography to align photographs.

Exploring Randomness

Implemented with p5js, this was inspired by my learnings about true and pseudo random numbers.